Real anarchy and revolution from a modern renegade

𝕏𝕏 The Great Reset – China and the United States defaulting on their debt 𝕏𝕏

While billions of people was distracted by Trump/Biden, Immigration, Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Hamas, and even Covid-19,  Many people and even researchers does not know that China, has not paid their debt to the United States. To many, this may come as something expected since both the USA and China have had fierce competition over pretty much everything but the seriousness on the issue will leave an enormous impact of how society, and humanity will turn out.

I knew for awhile, that most countries has a certain debt to each other, including super powers. Many rumors of the USA being defaulted due to the ever increasing spending with debt in the trillions. The world is glued to the United States debt, but nobody is looking at China. And this warning was just revealed today:


On the surface, this looks like a regular warning. But to the global elites, and the world governments, This has a deeper meaning that the entire world, or the rest of us slaves, did not know about. China has not paid their debts to the United States. And the reason: They are planning to default on their debts.


The world was looking at the United States when the recession began a few years back and little did anyone know, China was the first to be in a post-covid recession.

The US economy is already in a recession, and it’s following the same path as China by becoming reliant on debt, veteran forecaster says (yahoo.com)

It is important to know, there are 3 dominant countries in the stock markets which helps regulate business, corporations and stock holders that has a share in these corporations. United States, China and Israel. If China and the USA default at the same time, This will devastate the entire world instantly. Think of the effects of a nuclear detonation on an urban area. A global default of debt, or a great reset of the system, will be far worse than 50 nuclear detonations! Corporations will struggle, stock markets will crash, mass unemployment, supply chain crippled, nobody is getting paid and products are not being traded.

IMF Warns Surge in U.S., China Debt Could Have ‘Profound’ Impact on Global Economy – WSJ

From my vast simple research, the governments know how bad it is going to be. The World Economic Forum and the global elites have a plan and they are executing everything in their resource to prepare for that day. Some say this will lead to a CBDC, others say it will lead to a global currency. It may sound like a conspiracy theory but looking at what the entire world will be going through, a big problem requires a really big solution.

All eyes are should be on China and the USA right now. With all these articles and many more available for anyone to take a look, It is a matter of who defaults first but please do not be distracted. Get prepared. Fiat will be worthless once this reset takes place. Gold and Silver will help with bartering while the solution is taking place. Be on alert and be safe!

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