Today I learned, That the current state of Russia is in fact not a Communist country! This comes as a shock but more I read into both countries, the economies, the policies; Russia and China are completely different from each other in many ways.
Apparently, 56% of Americans still retain the notion that Russia is still a communist country. This alone goes to show how the educational system in the United States have not only failed to update their history books ( or failed to even mention any current changes ) but fails to even address the possibility that the same capitalistic values of America has been incorporated in both, China and Russia.

China is technically still more communist operating under the CCP. Same with North Korea, Cambodia and Cuba. A true communist country is defined by having one political party. Russia, does have multiple political parties with the Communist part as the second biggest. Even in the United States there is a Communist party operating since the early 1900’s. If Russia is not a Communist country, what is it? Fascism. Current president Putin is an authoritarian which many Democrats in the USA have mentioned this is exactly what Donald Trump is as well. Either way, Russia’s political stance is late-stage Fascism and not a Communist country.

China is still Communism although it does invest in some elements of capitalism into its economics but the CCP is still clinging onto the old Marxist-Lenism from centuries past. Other political parties and ideology is nonexistent. For instance, in 1998, there was a Democratic party formed in China but was instantly banned. This indicates that CCP will not allow any other party except for Communism be involved in any of the voting process’s. While most Chinese citizen, around 70%, does support the CCP. More and more citizens including the younger generation is opposing this ancient system.
Knowing that Russia is no where near Communist and China is 100% communist, this helps shed light on Putin and the current situation in Russia. No wonder why Putin appears to be less of a dictator because his ideologies are reported as anti-communism. The fact remains that current propaganda being pushed by the United States is 100% misinformation and could possibly be part of 5GW. The more we know, the more we can fight against this fifth generation warfare.