December 6, 2024

BlackSky Event


Some people are preparing on what you may have heard of a “black sky event”. This topic can be found as a conspiracy theorist wet dream but to understand what a black sky event is, this is far from conspiracy.

Just by the screenshot alone, can you instantly name a few scenario’s on which a blacksky event can happen? Natural disasters such as earthquakes and solar flares can cut internet lines and disrupt wireless signals. Cyber terrorism from state-sponsored hackers hacking into power grids. An EMP device or even a nuclear detonation can cause outages.

Not until 2020, mention of BlackSky events may have been a conspiracy because the information seemed to be far-fetched. Many articles that mention it was hidden from Mainstream. In 2024, millions of people all across the world in different countries have experienced a Black Sky hazard. This came in a form of climate change with severe floodings, hurricanes, wildfires and other natural disasters. Since 2020, billions already have experienced a black sky event at least one time or another. My family experienced this in 2022 when Eastern Kentucky was flooded. We had no power, internet, phone, cell service, gas and other essentials for a month.

In the sense of conspiracy theorists spreading warnings on the current blacksky events, cyber terrorism is on the rise and between 2022 – 2024 we have seen cyber terrorism breaking into infrastructure that includes utility companies, communications and even food services. Solar maximum was also reached in 2024 and solar storms and excessive flaring can cause disruptions to satellites which provides internet, phone, GPS and other communications across the globe. May 2024 was the closest we seen in modern history to the point where multiple countries electrical grids was being cooked by the radiation storm. We was a few points away from this blacksky event.

So far, the majority of Earth with the exception if Palestine, has not experienced a prolonged blacksky event. Many warnings from the Department of Defense in the USA suggests that an event is soon going to happen. The main culprit is CCP state-sponsored hackers have infiltrated many key infrastructures and have installed backdoors to create a coordinated attack once they have enough systems under their control.

Best course of preparation is training. I suggest training with Earth-EX to get a better sense of “what could happen and what to do”. The training is free along with the certificate and the knowledge will help you, your family and friends during these times –