December 6, 2024

Climate Change / Pole Reversal

Former Vice President Al Gore trains a group of presenters for the 24 Hours of Reality project. The online program will stream live online from 24 locations worldwide.

The current topic that has society on edge is climate change. Many people on both sides of the political spectrum either believes the climate change narrative, while some does not and believes it to be a hoax. Yet, we know organizations such as the World Economic Forum made it clear that they will use climate change as a weapon along with the United States and Europe fighting to promote the narrative that humans are to cause for the global. This may only be 20% true but still the world leaders and hedge funds are hiding the truth behind this global climate change. Is climate change real? Yes! Is it caused by cows farting or by 8 billion useless eaters? NO!

For centuries, many politicians or global leaders have pushed the narrative that “we the people” are causing a global warming on Earth. What is global warming by definition?

According to Merriam-Webster:
an increase in the earth’s atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution

According to the United Nations: Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Such shifts can be natural, due to changes in the sun’s activity or large volcanic eruptions. But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.

Still, Humans are to blame still because of burning of fossil fuels correct? Well the 8 billion on the planet Earth right now are dependent on those same fossil fuels. The system designed and created by free-market capitalism that monopolized the energy markets where massive amounts of money is being made off by the direction of big oil executives and the bankers behind them keeps the 8 billion people on this planet strictly addicted to these energy sources. It only takes one Rockefeller to go completely green, or renewable energy to have 1/3 of Earths populations to switch over. This alone is why the climate change narrative world leaders are pushing comes out as a scam. But that does not mean climate change is a fake.

Two method of climate change

As of 2024 we now have substantial evidence of heavy weather modification and possibly control. What was a conspiracy and science fiction is now fact and proof that modification of climate has a deep impact of weather. When we think of weather control/modification we think of HAARP. These antenna’s produce a heating affect on the atmosphere and are located all over the world. These “ionospheric heaters” help produce affects such as raising or lowering of the ionsphere. It would be a conspiracy if these antenna’s was located in just Alaska but unfortunately they are placed all over the world in different locations.

Besides atmospheric heaters, we have another conspiracy that has recently been brought the problem which is chemtrails. The chemicals contained and sprayed in high atmosphere interacts with the natural chemicals including cosmic to produce certain affects. Cloud seeding is the same as chemtrails but has a less of a sinister tone and this is used across the world. Cloud seeding can create precipitation or disperse it. The engineering behind this does have it’s pro’s and con’s but nonetheless contributes to the climate change whether it is good or bad.

Earth is an organism that is a living entity. Just like when an insect or reptile molts, or a human child grows, so does planet Earth. Many experts do agree Earth is long overdue on some of these changes but we have to first understand that these changes usually are not instant. Media such as movies shows us these instant changes in our environment but the reality of the changes presents us with not only a better understanding of what is going on; the reality of these changes helps us to the warnings! Scientists and experts are very well aware on these changes and even shared these findings however, knowing how the scientists share their findings is the main issue.

A group of scientists are locked into a particular research. Once they have experimented on their findings, they report to the head scientists. This could be a university, corporation, contract or government agency. The data is then presented and shared higher up to those who have access to other data relating to that element of research. The original group of scientists will only receive a very small percentage of intel back. What happens with the rest of the intel? The full intel is cross referenced in a science database. Only those with high clearance has this access. At this level is where the government is briefed. Everyone else underneath is not. This procedure has been going on in the United States for a really long time. China is the same way. Nobody talks about it in fear of losing their job. Nobody wants to bite the hand that feeds them.

Ever wonder what happened to our education system? The dumbing down of the younger generation not only suppresses knowledge and information needed to slow down critical thinking, but the history of Earth not only hides a few political lies but also a hidden history of the ever changing Earth.

I spent a few years digging, researching and finding the reasons why the global elites treat the 8 billion people on Earth as slaves. They control everything but the main question that drove me further is why? This led me to a few documents that indicated ( and confirmed ) there was a massive flood event 12,000 years ago. Many people argued with me saying it was not true yet I have provided them with numerous recorded documents around the world about this global flood. What is more interesting enough, this was about the same time humanity began or at least in the sense that is when records began on the first humans. Did the ice age cause a global melt that produced a world wide flood? Apparently, it did not. Earth was completely different geographically 12,500 years ago. Research and documents suggested a pole reversal ( at the time of my research ) which is where I picked up the phrase but when Googling searching “pole shift” or “pole reverse”, there is no hits. Just a few hypothesis. Kinda strange that a natural phenomena would not get more sources in the scientifical community. By this point, it seemed like I was going deep into a rabbit hole conspiracy and wondered “what does a pole reversal have anything to do with the very small people that control the world behind the scenes“? The truth was obvious as it was staring right in front of me the entire time. The global elites today are direct descendants of the global elites that survived the pole shift 12,000 years ago. Also known as the royal bloodline.

The reason to create a vast conspiracy that connects every other conspiracy is to distract humanity from the long overdue next polar reversal!

In 2020, A few people told me to check SunWeatherMan, Ben Davidson as he was talking about an upcoming polar excursion. An excursion is slightly different than a full blown reversal but regardless his research was correct. I admit, I did not follow his findings except for the science on the galactic plane. Our solar system was entering the 12,000 year mark where the galactic plane is a bit more energetic. Once again, Google helped conceal any documentation about this but I have found that the OORT Cloud was part of this energetic cosmic cloud. But this is another reason of a climate change that was never mentioned in the media. Back in 2022, I noticed more and more researchers and scientists coming out sharing their work on the polar shift. In 2024, many more have came forward with even more proof being mentioned ( but concealed ) in the mainstream news. Seems like the professional scientists was using different names for the polar shift including MCDO. Russia has also helped with the research as well and confirm the excursion.

Does this mean the global leaders pushing the climate change narrative on blaming humans and cow farts was lying? Most of those leaders have not been told the full reason behind the change. Other elites knows what will happen if they tell 8 billion people that they will all die soon so they agreed to keep this knowledge secretive until the last dying second. The movie “2012” is a wonderful science fiction that hides a few truths. Many people say “movies do not portray reality” or “it can never happen” yet in 2024 many news outlets are using the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” for the basis of what is to come of the Atlantic Current Collapse.

Whether you believe the narrative, or weather modification just remember the truth is always there. Mainstream Media is rolling out our hidden secret past each day and there is no escaping the fact of a polar reversal. We have very little time as we can see the weaponizing of climate happening in live time, but in the end it is the global elites pocketing the money before the shit hits the fan, again.