It has been five years with the start of the global pandemic from the sweeping spread of the covid-19 virus. The new normal of government instant lockdowns and total control left a lot of conspiracies forgotten and a lot of facts untouched. Whether you still believe the virus was randomly transmitted from a bat to human, or a person ate a bat infected with a virus, That is up to you to believe. The fact is the covid-19 was biologically engineered and the issue with this is the origin still remains a secret to hide various people, organizations and government from fault.

The conspiracy where Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and many world wide politicians including President Trump himself have been mentioned have been involved for good reason. But the important element missing that all conspiracy theorist do not understand is the technology and research involved has to remain hidden from the public for two reasons.
- Defensive research contains contracted research for defensive purposes. This may not protect the American citizens as much as it protects the upper class or the global elites thus the research is secretive against enemies. This gives the government an advantaged.
- Mass panic. Letting the citizens or the world know on the research, testing and creation of inventions that may seem dangerous will cause mass panic which can lead to mass disproval.

This leads us to the original of the Covid-19 virus. The United States Department of Defense contracted through biological research EcoHealth Alliance, overseen by Anthony Fauci. Ecohealth is involved due to the organizations influence and leadership by the Central Intelligence Agency and its’ labs found all over the world. They are a network of with far reach and deep pockets with biological research labs in Africa, Western Asia Ukraine and many more places around the world. Biological research after 2010 is mainly focus on new inventions in the biological field, including biological surveillance. This is important as we will discuss the importance of this soon. Anthony Fauci was the lead researcher scientist in the creation over either over 10,000 covid-19 variants or over 10,000 variants of different flu virus’s. I have heard both sides from top people in government, this will remain a conspiracy.

Another DOD contractor, Bill Gates, who is also top donator in the biological sector with stocks in many key organizations that creates not only vaccines against diseases, but also companies that sell medical equipment to the healthcare sector. Bill Gates also is known to be an expert on virus’s and diseases although he is not a licensed professional, he does do a lot of philanthropy work in the field of medicine. It is not coincidence Bill Gate’s major concern is Africa where numerous U.S. biolabs are also located. There is no coincidences. Here we have Fauci and Gates that has numerous shared interest and job duties. They both are DOD contractors with high influence to world governments. Both are concerned and work with biological technology and have stock in various vaccine producing organizations. The phrase “it is a big club, and nobody is invited” works with these two.

Now we get to another conspiracy which is the biggest missing link because the information on this is vague and missing from public records .Covid-19 is now known to be created in a lab but if the U.S. DOD have patents on the actual virus, how did it end up in Wuhan, China? The Wuhan biolab is operated under EcoHealth Alliance.
The conspiracy is; Fauci/EcoHealth Alliance wanted to release the covid-19 publicly to affect the population. The Department of Defense declined this initiative. Since EcoHealth with its vast network of connections and shareholder which some are CCP members in China, there was no issue with China’s CCP to be involved and greenlight a pandemic. However, preparations was needed and of course certain shareholders (such as Bill Gates) was given warning years in advanced. The level of preparation for a new world global pandemic did not happen overnight. The plan was made possible with a 2010 blueprint but in 2018 everything was set into motion. The timing of the release was no coincidence either.
Now the part where the conspiracy theories are either wrong. The reason this is wrong is once again the public has misinformation from Russia, China and Iran against the world public. The countries own propaganda and disinformation did not help which of course was funded by the World Economic Forum. The Covid-19 had a 99% morality rate which in plain English means people was not dying. The same year of 2020, the flu magically disappeared from the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control. Once again, not a coincidence. The actual reported deaths are from the flu. Millions die from the year each year and 2020 is no different. This was a clear and obvious attempt to easily a blame a new emerging virus to cause more panic and fear. But why? The new biological technology; Graphene Oxide and Biological Surveillance.
Covid-19 virus is virtually harmless. However, The reason for the mass fear campaign world-wide was mostly because of the vaccines. The Covid-19 vaccines was created in batches for a reason. Some batches are bad which may have severe side affects, or no side affects. Some may contain the new medical miracle graphene oxide, but most do not. Some contains a Bluetooth or a transmitter. The FDA, CDC and the WHO said it themselves, these vaccines was experimental however, due to the mandates, the governments in many places enforced mandates for people to be vaccinated specifically with these new experimental vaccines. The mac address may have been misinformation however, the graphene oxide is very true. This is also where biosurvielence comes into play due to both the virus and the vaccine are experiments on the public.
The surveillance using technology helped the government keep track of people knowing where everyone is at, when they got sick, who they was with, their geolocation always tracking them. Google and Apple both collaborated to create a permanent covid-19 contact tracing app embedded in our phones. This is a separate live database that was used in live time. This is biological surveillance. The tracking and tracing the public to gather data on the implementations of a pandemic through a biological attack. Between 2020-2022 the data collected has been extensive to the point where AI had to be introduced in full affect to sift through the data.
We know the vaccines are the main push of the pandemic because what we know now, is the vaccines alters the DNA to degenerate the offspring of a person, or in simple terminology, sterilization. The reason why “died suddenly” is happening is because the people that died suddenly had an already weakened immune system. The name “Turbo Cancer” was used because MRNA changes the DNA code more easily which makes the onset of future diseases come into full affect. Young people dying with heart attacks, or stuck with “long-term covid” is a perfect example of those affected with the quickness of the DNA modification.
The global elites said it themselves that there is a major crisis with over-population of humans on Earth. Mass sterilization and fast onset of dormant diseases is their answer as 2023 world population has been in decline along with birthrate.
Only a few billionaires like Elon Musk confronted and stood up against the rest of his club regarding overpopulation. Remember, Elon Musk is a DOD contractor, the DOD did not want to release the virus. Why did EcoHealth other than profits had China to release the virus on its own population which is a global hub of exports. If you still do not believe there is more to the story of the greatest pandemic of modern civilization, explain the events that also happened at the same time that increased fear and violence. BLM riots that almost brought civil war to the United States, closing of business’s, mass protesting. If the pandemic was lethal and deadly, protesting and rioting would have not happened as martial law type of control would have been implemented to force people indoors.

There is a lot that was planned into this Covid-19 pandemic. Many organizations, corporations, world governments and think-thanks was involved. The pandemic is also written in history books exclusively for Generation Alpha. These are the future people of the world born into the biological world during the pandemic and once they start school, they will be taught about how the Covid-19 shut down the planet, vaccinated the world, and the children will be indoctrinated in this until they learn the many facts that was hidden from the bottom line. People think the “new normal” is designed for the current inhabitants of Earth. The truth is, it is not. We in the older generation have already development and slowly de-indoctrinating our intelligence of what has been force fed through the education system.
The Covid-19 Pandemic along with the fifth generation warfare tactics and bio-surveillance of the world is complete. It is in our duty to educate others, not by force, but through facts regarding the greatest world news since the attack on the United States in 9/11/2001.