And drill they will but gas drilling is the cover. With Elon Musk onboard with major reform under President Trump, many forgot that Elon Musk is CEO for the Department of Defense DARPA project “The Boring Company”. It is well known that in the last 20 years and only 3 projects, the Boring Company has advance boring machines that can dig tunnels fast and deep. Another story will soon be in news by 2026 is how rare-Earth metals will be found during these digs but once again, this is going to be a major distraction.
They are further preparing for the upcoming polar excursion.
Few years ago, it was spread through media propaganda that the elites are building bunkers. But they know, bunkers are not good enough when Earth’s outer crust unlinks with the inner crust to cause massive tectonic movements.
Countries world-wide with management from the World Economic Forum are preparing these 15 minute mega cities that are self-substantiable through climate resistance and green energy. Right now, they are in planning stages in multiple places around the world but the number 1 threat every country faces right now is the growing repercussions of climate change brought on by this polar excursion or MCDO.
In the coming months as we see more extreme natural disasters by “climate change”, we will see more action from both Trump and Elon. Remember, they will not let us know since the elites do not want to cause a massive panic.