Since 2004 I still remember tidbits of criticism on a few movies that struck out to me for no reason but have deep impacts today. The Day After Tomorrow is one of those movies that have been deemed by professional scientists (including NASA) as impossible or incorrect. It took 20 years for the scientist to finally admit that in the movie, there is certain elements that are actually true! Twenty years to finally make a comparison.
Politicians and scientist alike been pushing the fake climate change narrative since the 1960’s and possibly before that. Yet, when some truth comes out, they call it a conspiracy or misinformation. That criticism is the reason why no politician, government official and scientists that works directly with a government agency, should ever be trusted.
Creator of some of the best disaster movies including The Day After Tomorrow do have ties with politicians and certain discussions and topics are bounced around. Why not make them into movies as the public will think it is just pure entertainment. Did Roland knew someone in the DOD or did he research and came to the same conclusion with various sources instead of one source?
Scientifically inaccurate. Yet, they associate AMOC with the movie The Day After Tomorrow along with hundreds of other mainstream media. Scientist did not start studying ocean currents until 2005/2006. But they are 100% convinced without research the events of the ice age that followed extreme change in climate in the movie can not happen. But it is happening.
Since 2019, I paid very close attention to meteorology, radar ands various data points. I been noticing spiral pressure systems more and more each year. These was hardly on radar before 2019.
I am not saying Roland Emmerich knew a little bit more than the paid government scientists who only sticks with one particular field of research but he knew and researched enough to know the real cause of the climate change.