Trump winning the presidential election was the first of many good things for the United States. Whether the far-left liberals will soon admit it or not, November 5th we have seen the American markets flourish! And not just the stock markets, but the crypto market was up. The USD was becoming dominate again and China was reported to scramble on making sure the dollar was still at a low point. Capitalism is bad, but Communism is worse. The far-right fails to also see a few keypoints that will lead to the destruction of America.
We will see signs in December 2024.

The war between the CCP and the Democratic Republic is an ongoing war behind the scenes. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, China has been leading the world into new frontiers and even the World Economic Forum made a statement (and prediction) China will be leading a new multipolar world, which we now know it is the BRICS. Even if the United States would have voted for Harris and the Democratic party and turn America into a socialist dream, the transfer of wealth would have still happen. Under Trump, it will be a slow transfer but the future is clear for the United States; Society would need to adapt and cope under the new world order, one way or another. Whether we preserve patriotism or socialism, China is still a major threat to all of the American political spectrum.

In order to understand and be prepared for the future, we need to see the economic side of society, as this world revolves around the global elites and their wealth. We need to set aside the political spectrum because the world leaders do not see in blue or red, they see the world through green.